About ERCA

ERCA, the European Rubber Chemicals Association, represents the major manufacturers of rubber chemicals in Europe. ERCA is a Sector Group within Cefic, the European Chemical Industry Council. 

ERCA’s main objectives:

To address the legislative and regulatory issues 

(which affect both producers & consumers of rubber chemicals)

To ensure the development 

of scientific knowledge related to the whole life cycle of rubber chemicals

To cooperate with

  • National & Supranational organisations (EU, OECD, United Nations)
  • Industry associations
  • Consumer organisations & Non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
  • Any relevant stakeholders

To represent the rubber chemicals industry

To promote policy initiatives

to contribute to the competitiveness, growth and development of the rubber chemicals industry


Francesca Filippini

Sector Group Manager

M: +32 477 513 026
E: ffi@cefic.be

Anaïs Fantasia


M: +32 496 26 81 62
E: afa@cefic.be
